“Creating conversations”

Quinn Miller

…was born and raised in Clewiston, FL. He discovered his love for photography during middle school when exposed to the work of Erik Johansson. This led him to pursuing an education in the arts, where he found himself at South Florida Community College and Florida Gulf Coast University, attaining a Bachelor's in the Arts. He currently resides in Lake Worth, FL and teaches art at the High School level.

"As a kid, I always wanted superpowers. Who didn't? My TV screen was flooded with images of X-men and the Justice League. What power would I get? That naivety eventually propelled me to fall in love with photography, my very own superpower: the ability to freeze time with the click of a single button.

Oftentimes, I use the inquiry of, 'What would intangible things such as depression, fear, etc look like as tangible scenes?' My style relies on surreal elements, and the incorporation of obscured faces to promote the idea of anonymity so that viewers can insert themselves into the images."